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Thoughts…Books…Poems…Arts & Crafts

#02 Little Women: January 2024

One of my new year’s resolution (2024) is to read a book every month. This year I’m reading classic novels. The first book I read is “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott.

I chose this book because I really want to watch the 2019 movie. I didn’t know that it was so good and I ended up loving it. It covers the topics like family, friendship, and love

The March sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. The novel tells us about their childhood up until they’ve grow up and have their own lives. I like how each of them are presented in the novel. (Please stop reading if you haven’t read the book as there are very little spoilers.)

Meg as the oldest of the four sisters who is vain at first but then became matured and a loving mother in the end. Jo, the second of the four sisters. A short-tempered, boyish, and an aspiring writer. Beth is the third sister, the shy one and plays the piano. She made me cry a lot on this novel, she’s the sweetest. Amy, the youngest is presented as spoiled and charming. I like her and find her very elegant as she grows up.

The girls have their own struggles and flaws but they will learn to overcome it as they grow, thanks to the support from each other and Marmee’s love and kind words.

One of the best lines I like

Because they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think I’ve right to be hurt, I don’t intend to show it.

That is from Amy March, and I like her because of this. She chose kindness instead of being mean to those who have done her wrong. I think that’s what also Laurie saw on her, which made him eventually fall in love with her.

Then this one

You’ll get over this after a while, and find some lovely accomplished girl, who will adore you, and make a fine mistress for your fine house. I shouldn’t I’m homely and awkward and odd and old, and you’d be ashamed of me, and we should quarrel–we can’t help it even now, you see–and I shouldn’t like elegant society and you would, and you’d hate my scribbling and I couldn’t get on without it, and we should be unhappy, and wish we hadn’t done it, and everything would be horrid!

This part made me sad, and sadder when I saw it in the film. The time when Jo turns down Laurie…Oh so heartbreaking! Jo and Teddy look so good together! Though it’s fine because I also find Prof. Bhaer as a better match for her.

This is really not a review, more on just sharing. Anyway, here is an image of “Jo March in daisies”. I’m thinking last night of drawing an image for this blog.

Too early for this but I’ve just created my Ko Fi account, you can support me here…will post more soon. šŸ™‚

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