Clover hearts Tea

Thoughts…Books…Poems…Arts & Crafts

#01 Starting my commonplace book

The other day I was scrolling in Pinterest then one of the posts caught my attention. It is about having a “commonplace book”. “Is it what I thought it is?” I asked myself then went to YouTube and watched about it.

I’m kinda surprised about the idea because I’m already doing it in the past years. I just don’t know what it is called. Here’s what the google say:

A commonplace book is a personal compilation of knowledge, ideas, quotations, and observations collected by an individual. It is a notebook or journal where one gathers and organizes information from various sources for future reference and reflection. They are more like a database than a diary.

It feels funny to know that there really is such a practice. This made me remember and wanting to go back to writing again.

There are those times in my high school, me and friends would spend our breaks going to the library to borrow and read books. Then the quotes that I want to remember, I will write it in my diary/journal. Ahh those days, aside from exams and homeworks one thing I worry about is what book to read next.

I want to take this seriously now, It’s looks fun right? I sometimes read my past writings and it talks a lot about what phase I am going through at that time. An example is my notes on 2019. I’ve read a lot of self help books :)). Then there was a year where I always write bible verses because I started to read the bible(I haven’t finished it yet).

This year, I’m reading classic novels. One of my resolutions this year is to read one book per month. I chose the classic novels as I watch these as shows in the television but never read them. Well this is for another blog. I’m thinking of making a review of the books I’ve read next. Let’s see.

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